Billy has passed away

Sad news. Billy passed away today.

He was approximately 5 years old.

Billy came to us with Daisy, Colin and Iris in January 2020 as their owner had a cat and all four were kept in a small cage on the coffee table.

I took him to the vet in 2021 as his droppings started to be really sloppy and odd. She told me not to be surprised if he didn’t live to be an old bird as he had liver and kidney issues. I also was told to use milk thistle and avian avipro a few times a week and make sure he ate vegetables.

His droppings never improved but he flew, played, sang so he had a good quality of life. Until yesterday evening when I noticed that he wasn’t moving about very much, just sitting with his eyes closed. Billy was a very nervous bird. When I had taken him to the vet he needed oxygen just to be examined, so I didn’t feel taking him back would improve his length or quality of life. I decided to watch and wait.

Unfortunately this morning he didn’t want to come out of his cage and I did not see him eat, just drink water.

I knew the inevitable was coming. He gradually stopped being able to perch as his feet wouldn’t work, so I put him in the travel box with food and water and talked to him calmly.

After an hour or so I could see the signs that he would not last long. He started twitching, so I held him and talked to him until he passed. It was all very calm. I told him he was a very good boy and that we loved him.

I’ll miss you Billy. As will your friends Iris, Daisy, George, Peter, Dinku, Rocky, Barney, Ayla and Chipper.

Billy is in all of the photos, but you can see him on his own in the photo with the red playground.

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