Has anyone had a bath?

I walked into the living room having had my shower, only to notice these two little wet budgies looking rather pleased with themselves.

Polly and Pete had a dunk in their water trough.

They’re now busy preening and drying themselves off.

Caution: Demolition in Progress.

The fiends got a replacement playground a couple of days ago. The previous wooden one had became all warped and discoloured so I binned it a while back.

This one is the same. I do wonder if they thought I hid the other one for 6 months and then just brought it out again.

Anyway I digress. Snowy decided to show his gratitude by immediately starting the Demolition process. I could almost hear him putting up “Budgie at work” signs and donning his little yellow Construction worker hard-hat as I was unwrapping the playground.

Sometimes it feels like I am a Doozer and the Budgies are Fraggles. If you don’t get the reference then read about Fraggle Rock here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraggle_Rock

Here are some Photos: Snowy starting important work. Snowy looking innocent and me distracting them (and helping their moult) by offering yummy treats – in this case boiled egg, grated carrot, couscous and seaweed.

Quick getaway!

I caught Abbie on the curtain again this morning. Which was not hard as she is there an awful lot, she’s probably there right now.

She always looks startled when I peel back the curtain and say "Where’s Abbie?…There she is!"

Where’s Abbie?

You’ll never take me alive!

As soon as Abbie flies out from behind the curtain, Hector quickly joins her. Normally he’s been squawking at me for ages to go and find her for him.

It’s okay Hector, she can’t get us from behind the cage.

Saturday Herby Fun

Herb time this morning for the fiends. They are as loud and boisterous as ever.

Charlie and Snowy have been preening each other and everyone is singing almost in tune.. 🙂

Snowy: Charlie I have got a secret to tell you. Don't tell Monty.
Snowy: Are you going anywhere nice for your holidays sir?
Hector: Go away I'm eating!
Monty likes to sit in the bowl and eat.
Nibbled Basil
I claim these herbs as mine.

My favourite Dumpling Videos (For Zofia)

Dumpling is sitting on my arm squawking at me for attention as I type this, maybe he knows that this blog post contains some pretty fine videos of him.

He’s such a playful little character as these little shorts will prove.




Budgie bedtime is a military style operation

Budgie Bedtime can be a very fraught process at times. I have to follow the routine to the letter otherwise chaos can ensue.

After cages has been cleaned, food and water are changed we can get down to the serious business of the day.

Monty, Snowy and Sky all have to be on perches that are near the front of the cage. Lilek must be on his shelf at the far right end. If this is not followed, Snowy will knock Monty off the perch and Lilek will leap to his shelf in the dark – squiggling and chittering at any budgie in his path.

Photo One shows incorrect bedtime positions, photo two shows correct ones.

Blueboy, Jerry and Roswell get some millet to share before bed, this makes Blueboy feel like a more welcome member of the group as they all cooperate and eat together.

Photo three shows the boys eating.

Photo four is Dumpling (Lilek) on his bedtime shelf, ready to settle down for the night.

Abbie and Hector like to mess around a bit, making weird strangled noises at eachother and trying to preen eachothers feet.

Photos five and six are the two of them messing about!

The lamp is on, budgies are partially covered. I go to wash up their bowls and toys. This takes about 10 minutes as they are left to dry overnight.

When I come back I put the budgies to bed, gently whispering the “Bedtime for budgies rhyme” and pulling down the cage covers for the night.

If I am very lucky they will not stir until my alarm goes off at 7.30am.

Bed times for budgies, Budgie Bedtimes.

Monty and Jerry – Battle of the bruisers

It’s happening again. Sigh.

Monty and Jerry have been at eachother over Snowy for about 4 days now. We keep having to separate them into cages and giving them time out.

Snowy decides that green is the best colour ever and constantly chases Jerry and tries to play kissy-face with him. This makes Monty mad and he pounces on Jerry. Jerry flies off and starts flapping his wings at Monty, making a growling, gurgly noise. Then they end up in a ball of feathers and claws.

Poor Monty has a cut on his cere that Jerry inflicted and my husband and I have had to physically separate them several times, getting bitten in the process. We had a look at Monty’s cere and it seems okay, I cleaned it with a cotton bud. It’ll heal, it’s not the first time he’s been slightly wounded in this area.

They both gets like this every few months, I guess it’s their hormones..

Whatever it is I wish they would stop!

You can see Monty’s cere in this photo, also here he is incarcerated with Snowykins.

Naughty budgie photos from the day

Abbie has been driving me bonkers today. She will not stop nibbling on stuff. We thought we had stopped her from nibbling on the top of the curtain by putting some cartons on the pole and blu-taking them to the wall.

This worked for about five minutes so we put bags up there (really tough ones!) she nibbled them.

We put lino on top and even that got nibbled on.

What’s next?

Fly my pretty!

Got a great photo of little Lilek flying towards me yesterday.

It makes him look a little more chunky than he is cos his wings are behind him and it makes them look short.

Look at the eager expression on his little chops 🙂

Dumpling...coming through...make room!