Pigeon Rescue

This post is unusual in that it is not about budgies, but I wanted to share an experience that I had.

On Thursday we were on our way out and I noticed a pigeon sitting on the floor. He didn’t move away when people walked past him, so it was obvious he was in trouble.

I panicked a bit as I had no idea what to do. I went on my local facebook group and made a post asking what to and then typed “pigeon” in the search. I found a post mentioning “London Wildlife rescue” and called their number. The message that was played said to send them a whatsapp message with a photo and location of the bird.

I sent a message via whatsapp, but in the mean time the pigeon had wandered into a garden with a locked gate.

I had to go home at this point. But I could not stop thinking about the pigeon, feeling I had failed him.

Then someone from the London Wildlife rescue called me and said they had no volunteers at that time and asked if I could go and get the pigeon, pending someone getting in touch with me. We feared the bird would get eaten by a fox or killed by a cat.

I sent a message to a few friends asking if someone could help me as I am not confident with knocking on strangers doors on my own.

Eventually a kind friend of mine said she could help, so I waited for her to be free.

We rushed off to the garden where the pigeon was last seen. Just as we approached we saw a cat coming out, my heart sank.

It turned out to be a communal garden for 3 houses. We tried door 1, no answer, same for number 2.
By a stroke of luck door 3 answered. I reassured him that we were not mad people and we just wanted to help a pigeon that had made his way into the garden. Thankfully he let us in!

The garden was pretty big and had bushes all around the outside. As these were the covered areas, that is where he would be.
For the next 20 minutes we searched the bushes, using our phones as torches.

Just as we were about to give up, I spotted him on the floor in a corner standing on a thick fallen branch. Our chance to grab him had come!

I shouted to my friend to bring my bag and the carrier over.

I had a small blanket with me and I tried to chuck it over him with no success as he was a lot bigger and heavier than a budgie. So my friend opened the carrier and held it in front of him while I held the blanket round him and pushed him into the carrier!

We must have looked a sight but we got him, and he looked well, but obviously could not fly.

We walked off with the pigeon, I was feeling so relived. At that moment a rescue person phoned and asked if we could meet her with the pigeon in about 45 minutes, which we did.

She sent me a message the next day to say he had gone to Pigeon Recovery in Sutton that morning.

These are the photos I took. Pigeon on the floor, the gate he crawled into and him in the carrier.

Hoping this post inspires people to help more injured creatures.

Video of the day: Roswell’s Dance

Today I have been cheered up by watching Roswell’s Dance.


He’s an energetic little dancer my Roswell. He used to dance for Snowy every evening until this playground broke.


The evening plate of nibbles

I am making dinner at the moment and I could not resist preparing a plate of food for the birds. Basically every time I go into the kitchen they think I am making them something. Monty keeps landing on every plate of lunch or dinner that I bring out for myself.

Besides, I like to spoil my birdies as I am sure you know.

Today’s feast is grated Broccoli and Carrot.

Snowy particularly loves Carrot as you can see. But don’t worry, he’ll save some for the other 7. He’s a good boy.

Birds, Basil and Boys

Abbie doesn’t like to be disturbed when she is busy biting the curtain. It seems to be a full-time Occupation. We have to stop her as we don’t want the curtains to fall down. She makes a cute noise that sounds like tiny little birds swearing (It probably is) and flies off.

Charlie has been enjoying his food lots today. Basil and seed alike. With and without Snowy, who remains his best Bud.

Roswell, Sky and Lilek have been posing in front of the mirror. I think they are having a “who is the cutest?” contest.

Monty has been flying round and round squawking, giving us attitude. He still keeps flying at every plate of food I bring out from the kitchen. Everything is his whether intended or not.

Who is the fluffiest?

Hector and Roswell had a contest to decide who could be the fluffiest. I am not sure who won.

Today’s scandal erupted when Dumpling bared his bottom to the camera just as I was about to take a photo

It seems that Charlie must make sure Snowy is well nourished, even if he’s about to eat at the seed pots.

At this point I was wondering if Sky was stalking me..

Jerry refused to crack a smile at the joke I told him. He won free millet for a lifetime. Crafty.

Abbie spent most of the day trying to get away from her over-bearing birdfriend Hector

Dumpling demanded that I do something interesting to entertain him but I couldn’t think of anything.

Monty the king says "That’s all folks!"

Saturday Herby Fun

Herb time this morning for the fiends. They are as loud and boisterous as ever.

Charlie and Snowy have been preening each other and everyone is singing almost in tune.. 🙂

Snowy: Charlie I have got a secret to tell you. Don't tell Monty.
Snowy: Are you going anywhere nice for your holidays sir?
Hector: Go away I'm eating!
Monty likes to sit in the bowl and eat.
Nibbled Basil
I claim these herbs as mine.