Barney is settling in well

Barney is such a sweet little boy but has not made one special friend yet. I have seen him feed Dinku and play with Max though so it’s only a matter of time.

He also came over to the table when I was changing the seed in the evening. Admittedly it was to see Max, but he was still very brave and trusting to come that close to me.

He has so far spent time in every one of the four cages at night time!

Last night he stayed in with Chipper, Daisy and Billy. There were a few squiggles as Daisy is not a good night time cage mate, hence why she cannot share with Iris any more, the squiggling drives me mad.

Love All Budgies Day coming up on the 1st of July!

Please take part in #LoveAllBudgiesDay on 1st July 2023. In honour of our friend Rose Youd that passed away last year.

Puddings & Toyboys

Here is a head’s up of a new day to celebrate budgies!  Love All Budgies Day was created in honour of blog follower ‘rosebudgie’ who sadly passed away last August (read my ‘In Memoriam’ post for her here).

Be sure to check out the website that gives a background to the day, tells Rose’s story & has lots of pictures of budgies!  There are also images you can download to share on your own social media – remember to add the tag #loveallbudgiesday.

Love All Budgies Day – 1st July

The “In Rose’s Words” page on the Love All Budgies Day website gives some insight into Rose’s love for budgies. She was firmly of the belief that budgies should be ruling the world, saying “I reckon that it’s the world’s only chance of survival!” And that, “The earth would be covered with grass and millet…

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A Brave Chipper (with the help of Max)

Yesterday, Chipper kept going to the kitchen, trying to land on the basil plants.

I decided to see if he would land on me to get some basil.

Eventually, with Max’s help, he did

Chipper landing on basil in the kitchen
Trying to entice Chipper on to my arm
Max with Chipper eating basil on my arm

May 2023 update – Lots of budgie photos!

A lovely selection of recent photos of the gang. Also to add that yesterday morning I took the cover off of Penny’s cage and could not see her at the back on her usual bedtime perch. I looked all around the cage, including the floor – fearing the worst. My heart leapt. Then I looked up and there she was, at the front staring at me!!

This is Penny below! Little minx tried to give me a heart attack 🙂

George on my hand. Max in background.
Iris and Daisy. They do not normally sit together, so this was a Kodak moment!

Max, George and Dinku posing. Such pretty boys.

Chipper and Billy. Funny how similar budgies like to sit together.

Proof that Dinku does eventually go in to bed. Sorry it’s blurry but I had little time to take the photo.

In the evening, I open Penny’s cage and she has supervised visits from her friends.

Peter and George are the best of friends and like to stay in the cage together all day. It’s where they feel safe. George is now 10 years and 10 months old.

Daisy Daisy.. on a swing

Daisy has started to enjoy sitting on this swing. It’s like she has just noticed it, even though it’s been here a very long time.

She especially likes to sit on it when it is bed time, because she knows that the only way I can get her to go to bed is to stand on the step ladder and wave her off to bed.

Still, it’s nice to see her enjoy something. Woe betide any budgie that tries to sit next to her.. unless it’s Dinku, he is acceptable.

George and Peter have a bath

I noticed that Peter was really soggy and realised he must have had a bath. Then by some miracle, George had one too, it’s the first time I have seen him bathe in years. George finds it hard to balance due to his stroke in June 2021, so he’d stopped doing a lot of things that other budgies take for granted.

This made for some very cute photos 🙂