Chipper’s amazingly long and straight tail feathers

I noticed that Chipper not only has two beautifully straight tail feathers. But also they are really long!

When he came to me at 6 weeks old in January 2022, he had a short stumpy tail.

He’s certainly made up for it now!

Photos of Chipper at 6 weeks old and now.

A Brave Chipper (with the help of Max)

Yesterday, Chipper kept going to the kitchen, trying to land on the basil plants.

I decided to see if he would land on me to get some basil.

Eventually, with Max’s help, he did

Chipper landing on basil in the kitchen
Trying to entice Chipper on to my arm
Max with Chipper eating basil on my arm

Budgies bathing on a hot day

As it has been 30C in London today I misted Penny, Peter and George with a little water. This encouraged Peter to have a bath in his water bowl and he got a bit soggy.

I had put some baths out for the other budgies – a little green boat with an orange propeller, and a blue double water bowl.

Chipper and Billy had a bit of a tussle over who could use the small green boat as they bathed!

Max just watched all of this unfold but declined to bathe.

May 2023 update – Lots of budgie photos!

A lovely selection of recent photos of the gang. Also to add that yesterday morning I took the cover off of Penny’s cage and could not see her at the back on her usual bedtime perch. I looked all around the cage, including the floor – fearing the worst. My heart leapt. Then I looked up and there she was, at the front staring at me!!

This is Penny below! Little minx tried to give me a heart attack 🙂

George on my hand. Max in background.
Iris and Daisy. They do not normally sit together, so this was a Kodak moment!

Max, George and Dinku posing. Such pretty boys.

Chipper and Billy. Funny how similar budgies like to sit together.

Proof that Dinku does eventually go in to bed. Sorry it’s blurry but I had little time to take the photo.

In the evening, I open Penny’s cage and she has supervised visits from her friends.

Peter and George are the best of friends and like to stay in the cage together all day. It’s where they feel safe. George is now 10 years and 10 months old.

A Run Around On The Floor

A few days ago, I decided to let some of the non-flying birds out on the floor for a run about.

Penny (violet hen) was fed and preened by her friend Chipper.

George enjoyed a run around too, he’s the bright green boy and is almost 11 years old. Due to a stroke he cannot fly anymore. I was surprised he enjoyed it so much.

George enjoyed it so much in fact that when we came in from collecting our daughter from nursery, George was on the floor again running about. When he saw me he ran up to me to be picked up and returned to his cage. When in his cage he started vigorously preening his best mate Peter.

I let Peter out too. He cannot fly because he prefers to stay in with his best pal Gorge and he seems to have lost the ability to lift off.

Chipper and Bertie

Every evening, when I am refilling the seed bowls, Chipper flies over and rifles through to find the best bits. I managed to get a photo of him doing so yesterday evening.

Also Bertie let me get quite close to take a photo of him on the swing. Each night before bed he likes to swing here and stare out of the window,

Chipper has been going through changes..

Chipper has grown up a lot in the short time that he has been with us. He’s a very feisty little fellow and tries to make friends with everyone. He occasionally lands on the T-perch on my table.

When I am putting the seed in their glass bowls ready for tomorrow morning, he lands on one and has a taste test.

Some photos to show how much he has changed.

Chipper on 9th January 2022 at 6 weeks old

Chipper on 2nd April 2022 at just over 15 weeks old

No April Fools here!

No silly April fools jokes, just lovely photos of the budgies.

Chipper is all grown up now, he’s lost all his baby head bars. Also his Iris rings are no longer black, they are still very dark, but if you are up close to him you can see them.

George, Iris, Chipper and Peter

Iris looking suspicious

Iris and Chipper in background. Bertie close to camera

George almost asleep

George preening in background. Peter on platform. You can see part of Iris.

Chipper close to camera.

Colin preening Daisy

George, Chipper and Max (or Max’s bottom) eating seed.

Max looking handsome

Chipper counting blocks

Iris threatening to throw a mirror off to show how naughty she is.

Bertie and Max playing

Chipper all grown up (almost, he’s still not an adult)

Peter and Bertie (Iris in background)

Colin on swing. Max trying to get his attention.

Peter and Iris

Millet day

The budgies are having some millet to cheer them up on a gloomy day. Also in a bid to stop the girls chewing the curtains. Obviously the latter did not work.

George looking out of the window and eating breakfast (Bertie on the right)
Max playing with the number 6 block on the sofa
Iris and Chipper
Lyra and Penny eyeing me suspiciously
Lyra move away from me, indicating she doesn’t want me to come any closer with the camera, so after this photo I back away.