Dinku and Daisy want to know how to celebrate Love all Budgies Day?

The budgies wanted me to make a special post for them, seeing as it is their day today.

The budgies share this day with our lovely friend Rose that passed away last year. Today (1st July) would have been her birthday. You can read about Rose, her budgies Ian and Marshall which she called “da boyz” and “the sausages” here: https://loveallbudgiesday.wordpress.com

Dinku and Daisy would like to know how you are going to commemorate “Love all budgies day”?

Will you create a collage, take photos, make drawings, paintings, a handbag, snazzy cup or t-shirt with your favourite budgie image on it?

Whatever you do, please share it on social media Twitter/Facebook/instagram/youtube/ anywhere including putting up posers if that is your thing. Make sure you use the hashtag #loveallbudgiesday so that people can find your work.

If you don’t have time today then Rose wouldn’t have minded if you were a day late and shared it tomorrow!

Daisy and Dinku, the best of friends

The little ones

The new additions to the flock, or as I like to call them "The Little Ones" are doing very well settling in.

Iris is a very clever hen it seems. She’s started going in on her own at night so that she did not need to be grabbed (gently) to be put in for bed.

Then last night a miracle happened – all of them went in on their own!

First Iris, then Colin, Billy and finally Daisy. It took them about 10 minutes in total but it’ll get quicker!

They squiggle at each other a lot at night time though, it seems to take an age for them to settle down.

Rehoming four budgies all at once when you already had a flock of five is not for the faint hearted!

By the way, none of them are Royal Budgies, I just put Harry and Meghan in the tags to see if some Royal fans might like to see some cute budgies.