Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day 2022

My friend Onesweetiepea (https://onesweetiepea.wordpress.com/2022/08/28/rainbow-bridge-rememberance-day-2022/#comment-5857) and her post have informed me of Rainbow Bridge Memorial day.

As birds don’t usually get much of a mention, I thought I would make a post of my own.

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day began in 2015 & is a day put aside to honour the memory of pets loved & lost.

I have attached photos of all of my budgies that are currently playing in the fields of millet.

Their names were:

Blithe, Monty, Eric, Jerry, Roswell, Snowy, Custard1, Abbie, Charlie, Dumpling, Blueboy, JoJo, Billybob, Lucy, Hector, Custard2, Pete, Polly, Lemon, Sky and Basil.

Lemon and Blithe are Besties

Lemon and Blithe have become best friends. It’s lovely to see another budgie preen Blithe, the only other budgie to do so was Sky and he passed away near the end of last year.

At night time I have been putting the four budgies in one cage together as that is where they all want to be. After the sguiggles have stopped, they seem to settle down okay.

Few photos of the remaining five budgies

Polly is cagebound but I was very happy to hear that she had recovered her singing voice today and has been giving delightful renditions of her favourite ditties for most of the day.

Lucy has been squawking at the top of her voice and sitting alongside Polly.

Blithe has been ambling about, just being a Blithe,singing and eating oats.

Lemon and George have been sitting together on the large swing.

At one point I went into the kitchen to wash my hands and George flew to the mirror in the living room, leant over and shouted at me. I guessed that he thought I should bring something out for the budgies, so I washed some dill and he got his wish. Triumphantly tucked into his food, after Lucy had her fill.

Polly and Hector

A few weeks ago, Polly moved into Hectors cage.

I had to take this drastic step because Polly fell off her swing a couple of times. The second time it happened, it was in the middle of the night and she could not climb back up. I placed her on one of the perches and found in the morning that she was still there.

On closer inspection, we discovered that she has a fatty lump near her vent, this also makes it near impossible for her to gain enough height to fly back up if she lands on the floor.

Alas, she’s now cagebound. This is sad news. But, she seems to enjoy being in with Hector. For months before, she would cling on to the side of his cage and peer in at him.

I still provide her with daily cuttlebone and balsa to shred. Of course, Hector and Polly also get the same vegetable and millet rations as the others too.

She finds it easier to navigate Hectors cage as the bars are horizontal, it contains rope perches and two shelves to rest on and there is not a big drop. I also put a ladder in, so that she can climb back up if she does fall, but she can gain a tiny bit of height to propel herself up to the lower bars anyway.

Apologies for the quality of the photos but it’s hard to get photos of Polly, she doesn’t like the (budgie eating) camera.

Introducing a new budgie – Lemon!


Just over four weeks ago a lovely lady that I know (I wont name her, to protect her privacy) found a budgie being chased by magpies.
Miraculously, she managed to coax him down from a tree by talking to him and then catch him in her little boys blanket.

Upon inspection, she noticed that he had scalyface. She quickly made an appointment with an avian vet. I agreed that if nothing too ghastly afflicted him other than the scalyface, which is treatable, I’d take him in to live with us.

Thankfully, he seemed in good health. I say he, but the scalyface covered his cere, so we were not sure of his gender at that time. He was 36g so a little underweight, but otherwise very lively with no parasites in droppings. The vet gave the little budgie an injection for the scalyface and follow up medication for 2 and 4 weeks time for me to administer.

I made up our hospital cage for his arrival as he needed to spend 4 weeks in quarantine before he was integrated into our flock.

Yesterday was the day that he met his 9 friends!

First of all we gave him his last meds, vaselined his beak, legs and feet, weighed him (46g!) put him into Balmoral (a cage in the corner). He immediately bashed a mirror, but quickly got a bit frustrated that he was not about and flying!

I opened the door, but he couldn’t work out how to get out, so after 30 minutes, I fixed some millet in the doorway. After about 20 minutes more, George came over to inspect the millet. Lemon came out to see George. George biffed him as if to say “don’t think you’re taking over, but I’ll show you the ropes” and then they flew off together!

Yesterday was spent exploring everything, the swings, playground, racks on the wall, most of the cages. He ate and drank after about 5 minutes of being out, really fast progress!

At budgie bed time he tried to follow George into the Summer Palace, but there was the little issue of navigating doors.
So I offered him a stick to stand on, amazingly he stood on it, but wouldn’t let me put him in the cage. I tried again a couple more times and he went in. Success!

Lemon and the other budgies (George, Sky and Lucy) in the Summer Palace took about 10 minutes to settle down, but eventually did.

Welcome to our home Lemon 🙂

Lemon with scalyface when he was first found
lemon in balmoral 6 7 18
In Balmoral when he was first placed in the living room
lemons first day with friends in pollys cage 6 7 18
On the swing in Polly’s cage
Posing for a photo: Basil, George, Lucy, Lemon, Blithe and Custard
lemon on swing next to billybob 6 7 18
Lemon on the big swing next to billybob (yellow)
lemon on swing with polly 6 7 18
Lemon on big swing with Polly(blue)
lemon custard george sky on mirror 6 7 18
Lemon, Custard, George and Sky on mirror
swing lemon and basil polly and lucy 6 7 18
Lemon and basil, with George Polly and Lucy, Custard on lower rung
lemon eating dill with sky 6 7 18
Lemon eating dill with Sky
george lemon lucy sky bedtime 6 7 18
George, Lemon, Lucy, Sky bedtime