Technical Difficulties..

Sorry I haven’t been able to update for a few days – in hindsight it probably wasn’t wise to go for the latest development release of Ubuntu, but I always like to go for the latest most wizzy shiny thing.

The upshot of having Ubuntu (development release of Maverick Meerkat 10.10) installed before it is properly ready has been that it’s a bit of a nightmare uploading to my blog as most of the blog clients for Ubuntu don’t yet work with 10.10 – I thought I’d just be able to install Windows Live Writer and carry on using that with the WINE (it allows the user to be able to use windows files in Linux) application, but I can’t for the life of me get that to work either!

I also can’t play video or audio unless it’s streaming content on the BBC iplayer, Youtube , ITV or Channel4 websites.

I have decided to start from scratch again today (after this blog is updated) and install Lucid Lynx 10.04 – so just going back one step will hopefully solve all of these teething issues!

Gonna write a post about budgies now – with pics..

Roswell enjoys a good bath

As you can see, Roswell has had a lot of fun bathing recently.

A basil bath was the order of the day for the budgies, they still can’t get enough of the green leafy stuff.

Sorry there have not been many updates lately, I have uninstalled Windows and am using Ubuntu for Linux, it’s so different and a bit hard to get used to. I am having trouble finding a decent blog client to rival Windows Live Writer!

Having to post by email at the moment which is not so bad and my PC is superfast – it’s an 8 year old laptop!!

Enjoy the pics 🙂