Budgies having fun

The budgies are having fun in the sunshine, eating sweetcorn and basil.

I have had to remove seed troughs from two cages because Iris keeps trying to destroy them and tip out all the seed. Also a water pot from one cage for the same reason!

Peter has made friends with just about all the boys. Every morning he will fly over to the top of the cage nearest to me and sing a little song while bobbing his head. He’s a very happy go lucky budgie.

Everyone seems happy. I hope it stays this way for a long time.

Montys Birthday Party

Monty has been with us for two years today!

I made Monty a lovely cake made from Egg, Broccoli and Carrot, with Corn and Dill Trimmings and two stalks of Dill as Candles!




I then brought the cake in and sang the customary Happy Birthday song to the little Tyke while he stared at me mystified as to what I was doing.

But as soon as the cake was plonked down he made a wish!

I wish for more cake and more millet




Then the hoards of adoring guests arrived to greet Monty and wish him happy birthday – he is a King after all.

Nom nom nom, compliments to the chef



I wonder if there's more?